Natural Force

Nature Force Nature Force Nature Force Nature Force Nature Force
The collision of three titans

Conceptual design, identity creation and packaging design

The Toy Plus company, besides a continuous work on designing the best radio controls for the children's market, is always looking for new manufactured toys to integrate into its well-known portfolio.

Within this framework, it managed to acquire three radio controls with completely different personalities, which seemed not to have common grounds to make them attractive to a market of fierce competition. The aim was to integrate, through design, a successful product line that, by means of a bright idea, managed to convert unknown Asian products into a trendy toy for the Mexican market.

The power reflected by the product design inspired the winning idea: each of the toys would represent one of the three great forces of nature. Thus, there was the dominance of fire, with the agility and presence of the tornado and the power of the storm, in a single line of products that seemed destined to be integrated in such way.

The Top Design team worked on how to communicate each of the natural elements in a communication ranging from packaging to the final decoration of the toy. The brand was given the same strength that was thought for the performance of each piece, and finally an attractive cohesion was achieved for the final consumer.

The scheme of the product line helped boost sales, because this sense of belonging between one toy and another, caused the child to want to have the complete collection. The results exceeded expectations in Christmas sales last year, being available in numerous stores throughout México and Latin America.