Danone Natural

Danone Natural Danone Natural Danone Natural Danone Natural

The intellectual property of the material and brands are owned by Danone de México, S.A. de C.V.

Challenging the limits, takes you to the next level

Identity creation and packaging design

The unique appearance of Danone products, with blue backgrounds and a design style that anyone can recognize from a distance at the supermarket, was at the frontier of being able to effectively communicate a new product in its catalog: a natural yogurt without sugar that would attract the consumer looking for a healthier eating style with the highest quality.

Presenting the product in an authentic, natural, honest and at the same time appetizing way, required to question if the appearance of the Danone packages would be flexible enough to feature all these attributes.

Despite the challenge of proposing something completely disruptive with the brand architecture guidelines the client had, Top Design knew it would be the only way to position the product correctly. The blue background, would have to open the way to a much more organic and clean white tone that would provide luminosity and lightness in its execution.

The creative team ventured to present a daring proposal that through very discrete elements -such as the spoon and the wooden table, the leaves, and the color tones- would give a new face to the product, in order to generate the desired effect in the target.

Once the project was implemented, there was no doubt. The right decision was reflected in the high recognition that the product managed to have within its segment, which, despite being brutally competed, offered an opportunity to this new competitor who is still available in different points of sale.